Monday, June 10, 2013

Water Lily

Somehow I had a little blog break.
Between the husband needing the 
computer and us not doing much 
blog worthy, I took a few days off.

O and I have been studying artwork
by Claude Monet, in particular is
water lily phase.  (And by study
I mean, we are looking at the 
artwork online and talking about it)

After we reviewed some of his work
I pulled out the coffee filters, food coloring,
paintbrush, and every available container
for holding liquids that we have here.

I had to put a lot of coloring into 
the water for it to have the color
I was looking for.  I may have even
emptied an entire bottle of coloring
to get the green color.

O used the paintbrush to drip color
on the filters.
After she did this for a while,
I showed her how she could dip the
filter in the bowl.  She preferred
that messier way of coloring the filters.

Since we don't have the space (or
the patience) to wait for the filters
to dry, I blasted them for a few seconds
with the hair dryer.  

After O painted to her heart's content, we had
enough filters to make about 5 water lilies.

We folded the pink/purple filters snowflake style, and
cut the edges of them.  O really enjoyed this part.
She did not enjoy making the rest of the water lily.
We sort of just twisted the pink/purple filters
until they held some 3 dimensional state and
put a drop of glue on them.  I used 2-3 pink/purple
filters to make the lily. 

They turned out pretty well.  I feel like they
would be great for party decor.  Easy and quick
but very pretty.  For now, we will just leave them
on our window will with all our other crafty 
projects we aren't quite ready to throw out. 

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