Monday, May 7, 2012

School Time

 We started with some simple rhyming cards (she just matches the pictures that rhyme...I got this from Montessori for Everyone)
 Next up we matched statues to their respective pictures.  This was a gift for O's birthday from a good friend.  She was inspired by Chasing Cheerios.  We have 10 famous landmarks, and we do several things with them.  Like I already said, first we match them to the picture.  Next we choose one to read some facts about the landmark.
 Then we pull out our world placemat and we find the countries they belong in.  This part is a little tricky because our map is so small, but we make it work.  Finally, we take turns counting in different languages (Mostly spanish) to 10 with our eyes shut, while the other one removes a landmark.  Then we figure out which landmark is missing.
 And the last of the pictures (but this is not all we did for school) we got this printable from Homeschool Creations.  I lay out the numbers (sometimes in numerical order, sometimes not) and we take turns hiding the frog under the numbers.  Again the one seeking closes her eyes and counts in another language or backwards from 10.
We are also still working on our 100 Easy Lessons to learn to Read and O is still enjoying it.  The lessons are 20 minutes, and it is about our max for sitting still and listening.  We have had to take a break in the middle of the lesson twice, because O gets antsy, but she is getting better, and has caught on to the flow of the lesson.  She knows after she writes her letters she is done.

Another part of our day that we enjoy is called Operation World.  It is easy to do, gives O a bigger picture of someone to pray for other than herself and immediate family, and helps her learn a little about geography.  Basically every day we go to the site, and find a country that we can pray for (some countries get several days), we also read a little about what we can pray for and where it is on the map.

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